Finding effective ways to raise funds for your organization can be tiresome. From searching for a "trustworthy" company, or dealing with a company that you already deal with, settling to avoid change. All of these things become a factor, along with many other aspects of fundraising.
Case studies show that people who participate in fundraisers feel as if they're asking for "hand-outs". For this same reason, some good hearted people miss the opportunity to give back the way they really want to. Let's be honest, most fundraiser site like or are just that, asking for a group of supporters to help out for a cause. Which this is great in some instances, however, when it comes to growth of a organization, this just won't work. Wear It Loud Clothing, which we refer to lots of times as WILClothing, has a solution for effective fundraisers. WILClothing provides all literature, product, and brochures for the fundraiser. Even your fundraising staff (up to 5 people) will be provided with an official Fundraising T-shirt! No up front cost, and direct contact with our Fundraising team, for help, moral support, questions, or even ideas to help an organization be successful. From small groups to an entire football league. The fundraising experience will still be personable, responsive, and effective. How often will you be assisted in gaining the LARGEST fundraising return an organization has ever seen, at no cost to the organization? Our service is a rarity, and we hope our unique approach will lead you to doing business with WILClothing Fundraisers. To learn more, please follow the link below. Thank you, and see you on the other side! WILClothing Fundraisers: Case Study Based On: Institute Of Fundraising Entry By: WILClothing
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Author@SoStreetFresh || I blog from the customer's perspective! I was, and still am a good WILClothing customer, they reached out to me to blog for them, what company does that?Industry Credits: Fashion designer for FUBU, Champion, and Puma. Categories